第53回入学式 4/12(土) 13:15~
会場 アジア学院コイノニア食堂
送迎 那須塩原駅発12:30 アジア学院発15:30、16:30
Asian Rural Institute’s 53rd Opening Ceremony
Saturday, April 12, 13:15 -
Please support the learning of participants gathered with the aim of developing rural communities. Everyone is welcome to participate.
Venue: ARI Koinonia
Shuttle Service:
Departs Nasushiobara Station at 12:30
Departs ARI at 15:30 and 16:30
Please note that the start time differs from previous years.
If you use the 15:30 shuttle bus, you may not be able to fully participate in the tea party after the ceremony.